Monday, August 4, 2008

1. What were some of the characteristics of your favorite teacher?

2. Under what condition would you take skydiving lessons from someone who never had or would do it?

Read Chapter 5

3. Why is it important to have a sympathetic high priest, and a sympathetic high priest?

4. Jesus lineage was not from Aaron. Why would this be difficult for the Jews and good news for the world?

Read Chapter 5:8-9

5. a. Did Jesus earn son-ship?

b. at whose hands, and for what guilt did Jesus suffer?

c. Does "made perfect" mean he was at fault?

d. Why hasn't Jesus always been high priest?

Read 5:14

6. According to this verse, what process must be taking place for us to understand any of this?

Read Chapter 6:1-12

7. What do verse 1-3 talk about?

8. How might you connect the warnings of 4-8 to verse 1-3?

Read 9-12 carefully

9. In your own experience, what do you need to truly invest yourself into something; where do you spend your time?

Read 13-20

10. How do these verses assure us? How does someone keep from drifting?

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