Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This song by the Beatles was written by George and is credited as something as his coming of age song. I always liked it, but the video really brings home to me that the group was very much near the end while suggesting that the change was simply the way of life.

In the video the Beatles are never together, they're with their wives and that's how it should be. I get a kind of Edenesque vibe from the footage and it makes me a little sad to know that their lives did indeed go on and end in death or divorce, happiness and sorrow. Its weird to know that I and my friends from childhood are now where they were then: I'm happy, I'm married, I'm different, and there is a future for me that is very different from the past. I've changed and those around me have changed.

I don't know what the future will be for us, but it will be something.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Not that much to say
It might not matter anyway
I've got a lot to do
but none of it means much to you
I guess I could get lost
Seems more more and more I'm being tossed
All my edges have been frayed

They say time can heal all wounds.
Its what we're waiting for.
Somewhere to start from.

I've lost my resolve
I'm just not willing to evolve.
This suit I call my skin
Is something I'm fine living in.
Don't tell me its all right
I sleep like I'm dead every night.
Yeah, I could sleep till noon.

They say time can heal all wounds,
but that's a lie.
What do we die from?

By now you might have guessed
That somewhere silent I'm depressed.
I really can't say why.
And if I did I wouldn't cry.
My feelings are all nerves
Electric shocks that I deserve
keep crawling up my skin.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Today is a new day, and I am going to keep busy. I have time, do I have discipline?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm not sure if I'm exactly happy to see that I'm not the only one who doesn't update his/her blog, but I am surprised at my own recent desire to make contact. Maybe its just been because I've been stuck in "finals" world, but these days I really miss Sunday afternoons with Youth Group. Gone, they are as a muppet would say.

Still, its nice to have facebook, twitter, gmail...etc. If not exactly communication, they remind me that life continues on for everybody else as well as myself.

In any case, know that I'm thinking of you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Celebrity, as a rule, sounds holy.
The celestial bodies in dazzling lights.
At once, they are in front of us and distant.

On celestial bodies we see ourselves,
Pattern meaning,

Like all things,
Our stars rise and fall:
Every one.
We look for meaning.

Celebrity sounds holy.
Celestial bodies,
Celluloid slides,
Off empty canvas
And onto our lives,
While we search for meaning,
Or proof that there's none.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's amazing how long I can just wander around on the internet wishing there was something interesting to read before I get my fingers moving to write something. This isn't that something interesting, by the way. I just need to start talking to break the awful silence that develops when I'm simply listless. I have school to go to, work do, lots to keep myself busy. How about you? Are you wasting your time reading this, or did you miss me?

Monday, April 20, 2009


Back in the States. I have a lot to do. A lot to learn. Time to focus. Sentences short. Coffee strong.