Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am Iron Man

Finally saw the movie. I knew I would like it and I did but I was surprised at the ending. I was supposed to hate the ending. All my friends with similar movie taste told me, "I loved the movie until the last line, then I was like ughh." If you haven't seen it I am about to spoil it.


You've got two seconds...


Tony Stark tells the press he's Iron Man.

To me, no big deal. In fact I think it was a great idea. That's one less superhero with the incredibly overplayed dual identity motif. Maybe it's because I'm not as familiar with Tony Stark but in the context of the film, I thought it was pitch perfect. The whole thing was about him dedicating his life to something worthwhile and he doesn't have the kind of personality to put that in the background.

Anyway, loved the movie, and would love to discuss this issue with all who think I'm crazy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let's use this sucker

Well, I initially started this blog as a way to post questions for a Bible study, but now I'm realizing cool people keep blogs (and even cooler people check them!). I'm looking forward to the holidays, especially since many people that I've missed should be in the area. Shweet!

We went to bed crazy early last night, so I'm feeling really good right now. Hope everyone else is doing okay!